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Advice & How To July 23, 2014



In the midst of summer, family vacations are in full swing, making it a high-travel season. With more travelers on the roads and checking into hotels, the chances of picking up bed bugs are much higher. According to CTVNews.ca, “Canada’s bed bug problem is worse than ever, as experts say the pesky little bloodsuckers are multiplying in record numbers in cities and smaller communities across the country,” (click here to read more).

The unwelcome passengers not only spread by hitchhiking on bags and clothes but also hide in discarded furniture and electronics that people unwittingly bring into their homes. They then lodge themselves in the cracks and crevices to lay their eggs, eventually infesting the entire home. Numerous treatment options exist to prevent bed bugs from spreading; however, many are complicated, expensive and often involve the use of harsh chemicals.

Steam Away Bed Bugs for Good!

A safe, simple and chemical free alternative to destroying bed bugs is accessible to consumers through the use of steam.

Bed bugs are highly sensitive to heat and cannot survive when exposed to temperatures above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Steam treatment is the recommended method for killing bed bugs, eliminating them in all stages without the use of toxic chemicals, keeping your home and family safe.

Reliable Corporation, manufacturer of steam cleaning and fabric care appliances, offers the EnviroMate PRONTO portable steam cleaner and fabric steamer. The PRONTO focuses on easing the home cleaning process while helping families lead a healthy, “green” lifestyle. With the power of steam and 15 attachments, the P7 rids the home of bed bugs—just using water!

Reliable Corporation’s Top Tips for Killing Bed Bugs:

  1. Remove clutter from the house, giving bed bugs fewer places to hide.
  2. Wash and dry clothing and all bedding at the highest temperature and store in plastic bags.
  3. Use the attachment for your Reliable PRONTO steam cleaner that includes a clip to attach a cloth pad.
  4. Begin to steam clean all the surfaces of the room from top to bottom. This includes such areas as curtains, chairs as well as the bed, floor and baseboards.
  5. The bed is critical in the process. Make sure to slowly go over every inch, leaving no surface of the bed untouched, including the underside of the box spring. Use the high-pressure nozzle attachment to assist in getting into the crevices of the bed frame, binding, base boards and mattress folds.
  6. Allow all areas to air dry thoroughly before returning bedding and clothing to their appropriate places.
  7. Tip for keeping bed bugs away — wrap the box spring in heavy plastic sheeting and consider purchasing a bed bug mattress cover.

For more information, visit www.ReliableCorporaiton.com.